regify utility 2.1.0-0
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File I/O

This section contains abstracted file system and I/O utilities. More...


#define RU_WALK_FOLDER_FIRST   0x1
#define RU_WALK_FOLDER_LAST   0x2
#define RU_WALK_NO_RECURSE   0x4
#define RU_WALK_NO_SELF   0x8
#define RU_WALK_UNIX_SLASHES   0x10


typedef struct stat ruStat_t
typedef bool(* entryFilter) (trans_chars folderPath, trans_chars fileName, bool isFolder, ptr ctx)
 A function that is called with each entry of a ruFolderWalk to decide whether that entry should be processed or not.
typedef int32_t(* entryMgr) (trans_chars fullPath, bool isFolder, ptr ctx)
 A function that is called with each entry of a ruFolderWalk.


RUAPI bool ruFileExists (trans_chars filename)
RUAPI bool ruIsFile (trans_chars filename)
RUAPI bool ruIsDir (trans_chars filename)
RUAPI bool ruIsExecutable (trans_chars filename)
RUAPI bool ruIsSymlink (trans_chars filename)
RUAPI int32_t ruDiskFree (trans_chars path, uint64_t *total, uint64_t *avail)
RUAPI int32_t ruStat (trans_chars filepath, ruStat_t *dest)
RUAPI rusize ruFileSize (trans_chars filePath, int32_t *code)
 Return the size of the given file if it exists.
RUAPI sec_t ruFileUtcTime (trans_chars filePath, int32_t *code)
 Return the UTC modification date of the given file if it exists.
RUAPI int32_t ruFileSetUtcTime (trans_chars filePath, sec_t date)
 Set UTC access and mod time of given filePath to given date.
RUAPI int ruOpen (trans_chars filepath, int flags, int mode, int32_t *code)
RUAPI FILE * ruFOpen (trans_chars filepath, trans_chars mode, int32_t *code)
RUAPI int ruOpenTmp (char *pathTemplate, int flags, int mode, int32_t *code)
RUAPI rusize_s ruWrite (int oh, trans_ptr contents, rusize length)
RUAPI int32_t ruFileSetContents (trans_chars filename, trans_chars contents, rusize length)
RUAPI int ruFileGetContents (trans_chars filename, alloc_chars *contents, rusize *length)
RUAPI int ruFileCopy (trans_chars srcpath, trans_chars destpath)
 Copies srcpath to destpath.
RUAPI int ruFileRename (trans_chars oldName, trans_chars newName)
RUAPI int ruFileTryRename (trans_chars oldName, trans_chars newName)
 Renames a given file like ruFileRename, but fails when newName already exists instead of overwriting it.
RUAPI int ruFileRemove (trans_chars filename)
RUAPI int32_t ruFilteredFolderWalk (trans_chars folder, uint32_t flags, entryFilter filter, entryMgr actor, ptr ctx)
 Like ruFolderWalk with additional filtering capability. Folder entries . and .. are not passed to filter.
RUAPI int32_t ruFolderWalk (trans_chars folder, uint32_t flags, entryMgr actor, ptr ctx)
 Decends into given folder depth first and calls actor on each entry. Folder entries . and .. are not passed to actor.
RUAPI ru_int ruFolderEntries (trans_chars folder)
 Returns the number of folder entries including itself.
RUAPI int32_t ruFolderRemove (trans_chars folder)
 Recursively delete given folder and all it's sub contents. If given path is a file or symlink, it will also be removed.
RUAPI int32_t ruMkdir (trans_chars pathname, int mode, bool deep)
RUAPI alloc_chars ruDirName (trans_chars filePath)
 Returns the dirname part of a full path without the trailing slash.
RUAPI perm_chars ruBaseName (perm_chars filePath)
 Returns the filename of a path with the preceding path removed.
RUAPI perm_chars ruFileExtension (perm_chars filePath)
 Returns the extension part of the given file name if there is one.
RUAPI alloc_chars ruFullPath (trans_chars filePath)
 Returns an absolute filepath leading to the given relative path.
RUAPI alloc_chars ruPathJoinNative (trans_chars base, trans_chars file)
 Returns base and file joined with the filesystem slash in a new string.
RUAPI alloc_chars ruPathJoin (trans_chars base, trans_chars file)
 Returns base and file joined with the a unix filesystem slash in a new string.
RUAPI alloc_chars ruPathMultiJoin (int parts,...)
 Return a path by concatenating the given parts number of parameters using a unix style directory slash.
RUAPI alloc_chars ruPathMultiJoinNative (int parts,...)
 Return a path by concatenating the given parts number of parameters using the platform native directory slash.

Detailed Description

This section contains abstracted file system and I/O utilities.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define RU_WALK_FOLDER_FIRST   0x1

Used by ruFolderWalk to specify that the folder be handled before its contents.


#define RU_WALK_FOLDER_LAST   0x2

Used by ruFolderWalk to specify that the folder be handled after its contents.


#define RU_WALK_NO_RECURSE   0x4

Used by ruFolderWalk to specify whether to not recurse into subfolders.


#define RU_WALK_NO_SELF   0x8

Used by ruFolderWalk to specify not to process the top level folder.


#define RU_WALK_UNIX_SLASHES   0x10

Used by ruFolderWalk to specify passing paths with unix style directory slashes to the callbacks. Ignored on Unix platforms.

Typedef Documentation

◆ entryFilter

typedef bool(* entryFilter) (trans_chars folderPath, trans_chars fileName, bool isFolder, ptr ctx)

A function that is called with each entry of a ruFolderWalk to decide whether that entry should be processed or not.

folderPathThe full file path to the folder under which fileName resides. Must be copied to persist. Folder may or may not contain a trailing slash.
fileNameThe file base name of the current entry. Must be copied to persist.
isFolderwhether this is a folder.
ctxa user definable context.
true to filter the entry or false to continue processing it and its potential sub foilders.

◆ entryMgr

typedef int32_t(* entryMgr) (trans_chars fullPath, bool isFolder, ptr ctx)

A function that is called with each entry of a ruFolderWalk.

fullPathThe full file path to the entry in question. Must be copied to persist. Folder may or may not contain a trailing slash.
isFolderwhether this is a folder.
ctxa user definable context.
RUE_OK to continue, else a regify error code.

◆ ruStat_t

typedef struct stat ruStat_t

An abstracted version of struct stat.

Function Documentation

◆ ruBaseName()

RUAPI perm_chars ruBaseName ( perm_chars  filePath)

Returns the filename of a path with the preceding path removed.

filePathFile path to return the basename of.
Returns the start of the basename within the given filePath so do not free this reference and copy it as needed.

◆ ruDirName()

RUAPI alloc_chars ruDirName ( trans_chars  filePath)

Returns the dirname part of a full path without the trailing slash.

filePathFile path to return the dirname of.
Returns the directory name part of the given path excluding its trailing slash or NULL if no slashes were found. Caller needs to free the result with ruFree after use.

◆ ruDiskFree()

RUAPI int32_t ruDiskFree ( trans_chars  path,
uint64_t *  total,
uint64_t *  avail 

Returns the total and avail size of the partition where path resides on.

pathPath whose partition to examine.
totalOptional, Where total partition size will be stored in bytes
availOptional, Where left over user partition size will be stored in bytes.
RUE_OK on success else RUE_CANT_OPEN_FILE. Then check errno for details.

◆ ruFileCopy()

RUAPI int ruFileCopy ( trans_chars  srcpath,
trans_chars  destpath 

Copies srcpath to destpath.

srcpathfile to copy
destpathpath to copy srcpath to
Return code of the operation or RUE_OK on success.

◆ ruFileExists()

RUAPI bool ruFileExists ( trans_chars  filename)

Checks whether a file or folder exists.

filenameName of file, folder or other filesystem entity.
Return true if the path exists else false.

◆ ruFileExtension()

RUAPI perm_chars ruFileExtension ( perm_chars  filePath)

Returns the extension part of the given file name if there is one.

filePathFile path to get extension from
NULL if there's no extension otherwise pointer to where it starts in filePath.

◆ ruFileGetContents()

RUAPI int ruFileGetContents ( trans_chars  filename,
alloc_chars contents,
rusize length 

Reads the contents out of the given filepath into the variable and sets the length.

filenamePath to the file to read.
contentsWhere to store the read content. Caller must use ruFree when done with it.
lengthNumber of bytes in contents.
Return code of the operation or RUE_OK on success.

◆ ruFileRemove()

RUAPI int ruFileRemove ( trans_chars  filename)

Delete a given file or empty folder.

filenameFile or folder to delete.
Return code of the operation or RUE_OK on success.

◆ ruFileRename()

RUAPI int ruFileRename ( trans_chars  oldName,
trans_chars  newName 

Renames a given file. This is equivalent to moving a file. Any previous file at the destination will be overwritten.

oldNameOld file path.
newNameThe new file path.
Return code of the operation or RUE_OK on success.

◆ ruFileSetContents()

RUAPI int32_t ruFileSetContents ( trans_chars  filename,
trans_chars  contents,
rusize  length 

Write the string stored in contents into a new file at filename. Any old file at that location will be overwritten by the new file.

filenamePath to the file to create.
contentsContents to write into the file. This may be a NULL terminated encoding irrelevant string or binary data. If contents is NULL an empty file will be created.
lengthLength of the content. May be RU_SIZE_AUTO for a NULL terminated string.
Return code of the operation or RUE_OK on success.

◆ ruFileSetUtcTime()

RUAPI int32_t ruFileSetUtcTime ( trans_chars  filePath,
sec_t  date 

Set UTC access and mod time of given filePath to given date.

filePathfile to set time on
dateUTC time stamp to set file time to
Parameter validation error or RUE_OK if parameters are good.

◆ ruFileSize()

RUAPI rusize ruFileSize ( trans_chars  filePath,
int32_t *  code 

Return the size of the given file if it exists.

filePathFile path to get size of
codeWhere the status of the operation will be stored. RUE_OK on success else RUE_PARAMETER_NOT_SET if filename was NULL or RUE_FILE_NOT_FOUND if file didn't exists or RUE_CANT_OPEN_FILE if it was another error. Check errno for details.
file size or 0 on error

◆ ruFileTryRename()

RUAPI int ruFileTryRename ( trans_chars  oldName,
trans_chars  newName 

Renames a given file like ruFileRename, but fails when newName already exists instead of overwriting it.

oldNameOld file path.
newNameThe new file path.
Return code of the operation or RUE_OK on success.

◆ ruFileUtcTime()

RUAPI sec_t ruFileUtcTime ( trans_chars  filePath,
int32_t *  code 

Return the UTC modification date of the given file if it exists.

filePathFile path to get date of
codeWhere the status of the operation will be stored. RUE_OK on success else RUE_PARAMETER_NOT_SET if filename was NULL or RUE_FILE_NOT_FOUND if file didn't exists or RUE_CANT_OPEN_FILE if it was another error. Check errno for details.
UTC modification date or 0 on error

◆ ruFilteredFolderWalk()

RUAPI int32_t ruFilteredFolderWalk ( trans_chars  folder,
uint32_t  flags,
entryFilter  filter,
entryMgr  actor,
ptr  ctx 

Like ruFolderWalk with additional filtering capability. Folder entries . and .. are not passed to filter.

folderFolder to start descending into. Does not accept / or \
flagsFlags of type RU_WALK_* to specify walking behavior. All flags may be specified.
filterFunction to call with each entry to decide filtering
actorFunction to call with each entry
ctxa user definable context to be passed to the entryFilter and entryMgr functions.

◆ ruFolderEntries()

RUAPI ru_int ruFolderEntries ( trans_chars  folder)

Returns the number of folder entries including itself.

folderFolder to count entries of
0 if folder is not readable, 1 if folder is empty or the number of entries it has - 1 for itself.

◆ ruFolderRemove()

RUAPI int32_t ruFolderRemove ( trans_chars  folder)

Recursively delete given folder and all it's sub contents. If given path is a file or symlink, it will also be removed.

folderName of folder to delete. May not be "", "/" or "\\"
RUE_OK on success else and error call ruLastError on RUE_GENERAL for details.

◆ ruFolderWalk()

RUAPI int32_t ruFolderWalk ( trans_chars  folder,
uint32_t  flags,
entryMgr  actor,
ptr  ctx 

Decends into given folder depth first and calls actor on each entry. Folder entries . and .. are not passed to actor.

folderFolder to start descending into. Does not accept / or \
flagsFlags of type RU_WALK_* to specify walking behavior. All flags may be specified.
actorFunction to call with each entry
ctxa user definable context to be passed to the entryMgr function.

◆ ruFOpen()

RUAPI FILE * ruFOpen ( trans_chars  filepath,
trans_chars  mode,
int32_t *  code 

Abstracted version of the Posix fopen call.

filepathPath to the file to open
modeFile access mode such as r, r+, w, w+, a or a+.
codeParameter validation error or RUE_OK if parameters are good.
A valid file handle or -1 in case of error. Then check errno.

◆ ruFullPath()

RUAPI alloc_chars ruFullPath ( trans_chars  filePath)

Returns an absolute filepath leading to the given relative path.

This function merely appends the given path to CWD if it's relative. It does not validate or process the given path in any other way.

filePathFile path to append the current working directory to if it is relative.
Returns an absolute filepath leading to the given relative path or the given path if it was absolute. Path must be freed by the caller.

◆ ruIsDir()

RUAPI bool ruIsDir ( trans_chars  filename)

Returns true if the given path exists and is a folder. On Unix if the underlying path is a symlink it is dereferenced and the status of the target is returned.

filenameFile path to test
Returns true if it is a folder.

◆ ruIsExecutable()

RUAPI bool ruIsExecutable ( trans_chars  filename)

Returns true if the given path exists and is executable. On Unix if the underlying path is a symlink it is dereferenced and the status of the target is returned. On Unix the file permissions are test for -x. On Windows the file extension is check for .com, .cmd, .bat, .exe and whatever extension is set in the PATHEXT environment variable.

filenameFile path to test
Returns true if it is executable.

◆ ruIsFile()

RUAPI bool ruIsFile ( trans_chars  filename)

Returns true if the given path exists and is a regular file. On Unix if the underlying path is a symlink it is dereferenced and the status of the target is returned.

filenameFile path to test
Returns true if it is a regular file.

◆ ruIsSymlink()

RUAPI bool ruIsSymlink ( trans_chars  filename)

Returns true if the given path exists and is a symbolic link (Unix only).

filenameFile path to test
Returns true if it is a symlink.

◆ ruMkdir()

RUAPI int32_t ruMkdir ( trans_chars  pathname,
int  mode,
bool  deep 

Creates the requested folder with the requested permissions.

pathnameFolder to create
modePermissions to set (Unix only).
deepWhether to create any upper level folders.
RUE_OK on success, else a regify error code.

◆ ruOpen()

RUAPI int ruOpen ( trans_chars  filepath,
int  flags,
int  mode,
int32_t *  code 

Abstracted version of the Posix open call.

filepathPath to the file to open
flagsFile access flags such as O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY or O_RDWR.
modeDesired file permissions if this file is to be created. Ignored on Windows.
codeParameter validation error or RUE_OK if parameters are good.
A valid file handle or -1 in case of error. Then check errno.

◆ ruOpenTmp()

RUAPI int ruOpenTmp ( char *  pathTemplate,
int  flags,
int  mode,
int32_t *  code 

Creates and returns the file handle to a new temporary file.

pathTemplateThe filepath to where the file should be written. The folders where the file is to be created must already exist and be writable, and the pattern ^^^ will be replaced by random unique characters between a-z. The pathTemplate variable is actually modified and will point to the path corresponding to the returned file handle.
flagsFile access flags such as O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY or O_RDWR.
modeDesired file permissions if this file is to be created. Ignored on Windows.
codeParameter validation error or RUE_OK if parameters are good.
A valid file handle or -1 in case of error. Then check errno.

◆ ruPathJoin()

RUAPI alloc_chars ruPathJoin ( trans_chars  base,
trans_chars  file 

Returns base and file joined with the a unix filesystem slash in a new string.

basefolder with or without trailing slash
filefile anme to append
Returns a new filepath to be freed by the caller after use.

◆ ruPathJoinNative()

RUAPI alloc_chars ruPathJoinNative ( trans_chars  base,
trans_chars  file 

Returns base and file joined with the filesystem slash in a new string.

basefolder with or without trailing slash
filefile anme to append
Returns a new filepath to be freed by the caller after use.

◆ ruPathMultiJoin()

RUAPI alloc_chars ruPathMultiJoin ( int  parts,

Return a path by concatenating the given parts number of parameters using a unix style directory slash.

The returned path will have the leading slash supplied with the first folder argument. There will be no trailing slash returned.

partsNumber of folder name that follow number of folder names to concatenate. Trailing slashes and leading slashes after the second folder are accounted for.
Allocated path to be freed by the caller. Or NULL if parts was < 1.

◆ ruPathMultiJoinNative()

RUAPI alloc_chars ruPathMultiJoinNative ( int  parts,

Return a path by concatenating the given parts number of parameters using the platform native directory slash.

The returned path will have the leading slash supplied with the first folder argument. There will be no trailing slash returned.

partsNumber of folder name that follow number of folder names to concatenate. Trailing slashes and leading slashes after the second folder are accounted for.
Allocated path to be freed by the caller. Or NULL if parts was < 1.

◆ ruStat()

RUAPI int32_t ruStat ( trans_chars  filepath,
ruStat_t dest 

Populates the given ruStat_t with the data of the filepath if it exists.

filepathFile path to test
destPointer to ruStat_t to populate.
Returns RUE_OK on success else RUE_PARAMETER_NOT_SET if filename was NULL or RUE_FILE_NOT_FOUND if file didn't exists or RUE_CANT_OPEN_FILE if it was another error. Check errno or call ruLastError for details.

◆ ruWrite()

RUAPI rusize_s ruWrite ( int  oh,
trans_ptr  contents,
rusize  length 

Abstracted version of the standard write function.

ohA handle returned by ruOpenTmp or ruOpen
contentsbuffer to write
lengthnumber of bytes to write
number of bytes written or < 0 on error then check errno