regify utility 2.1.0-0
No Matches
Threading Related

These functions abstract threading related aspects. More...


#define ruMutexTryLock(m)   ruMutexTryLockLoc(m, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__)
#define ruMutexLock(m)   ruMutexLockLoc(m, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__)
#define ruMutexUnlock(m)   ruMutexUnlockLoc(m, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__)
#define ruCounterInc(counter, value)   ruCounterIncValue(counter, value, NULL)
#define ruCounterRead(counter)   ruCounterIncValue(counter, 0, NULL)
#define ruCountSet(counter, value)   ruCountSetValue(counter, value, NULL)


typedef void * ruTrace
typedef unsigned long ru_tid
typedef pthread_t ruThreadId
typedef void * ruThread
typedef void * ruCount
typedef void *(* ruStartFunc) (void *context)
typedef void * ruCond
 Opaque object abstracting condition signaling.
typedef void * ruMutex
 Opaque object abstracting object locking.


RUAPI void ruBacktraceInit (perm_chars exePath)
 Sets the path to the current executable.
RUAPI ruList ruBacktrace (int32_t *code)
 Returns a list of ruTrace elements ordered so that the caller is last.
RUAPI void ruTraceLog (trans_chars tag, int32_t skip)
 Logs a backtrace.
RUAPI perm_chars ruTraceStr (ruTrace rt)
 Returns an optimized string representation of the given ruTrace object.
RUAPI perm_chars ruTraceFilePath (ruTrace rt)
 Returns the full path to the filename of the given ruTrace object if set.
RUAPI perm_chars ruTraceFileName (ruTrace rt)
 Returns the basename of the filename of the given ruTrace object if set.
RUAPI perm_chars ruTraceFunc (ruTrace rt)
 Returns the function name of the given ruTrace object if set.
RUAPI uint32_t ruTraceLine (ruTrace rt)
 Returns the line number of the given ruTrace object if set.
RUAPI perm_ptr ruTraceOffset (ruTrace rt)
 Returns the offset from the given function of the given ruTrace object if set.
RUAPI perm_ptr ruTraceAddr (ruTrace rt)
 Returns the instruction pointer of the given ruTrace object.
RUAPI ru_tid ruThreadGetId (void)
RUAPI void ruThreadSetName (trans_chars name)
RUAPI perm_chars ruThreadGetName (void)
RUAPI ruThread ruThreadCreate (ruStartFunc start, alloc_chars name, void *usrCtx)
RUAPI ruThread ruThreadCreateBg (ruStartFunc start, alloc_chars name, void *usrCtx)
 Creates a new thread with background priority.
RUAPI bool ruThreadFinished (ruThread tid, int32_t *code)
 Whether thraed has finished and is joinable.
RUAPI ruThreadId ruThreadNativeId (ruThread tid, int32_t *code)
 Returns the thread id of the given ruThread.
RUAPI bool ruThreadWait (ruThread tid, sec_t tosecs, void **exitVal)
RUAPI int ruThreadJoin (ruThread tid, void **exitVal)
RUAPI int32_t ruThreadKill (ruThread tid)
RUAPI ruCond ruCondInit (void)
 Initialize a new ruCond condition variable.
RUAPI ruCond ruCondFree (ruCond c)
 Free up given ruCond object.
RUAPI void ruCondSignal (ruCond c)
 Unblock a thread waiting for the given condition variable.
RUAPI void ruCondWaitTil (ruCond c, ruMutex m, int32_t msTimeout)
 Wait on the given condition variable or the given timeout.
RUAPI void ruCondWait (ruCond c, ruMutex m)
 Wait on the given condition variable.
RUAPI ruMutex ruMutexInit (void)
 Initialize a new ruMutex.
RUAPI bool ruMutexTryLockLoc (ruMutex m, trans_chars filePath, trans_chars func, int32_t line)
 Tries to aquire a lock for the given ruMutex without blocking.
RUAPI void ruMutexLockLoc (ruMutex m, trans_chars filePath, trans_chars func, int32_t line)
 Aquire a lock for the given ruMutex blocking until it is given.
RUAPI void ruMutexUnlockLoc (ruMutex m, trans_chars filePath, trans_chars func, int32_t line)
 Return the aquired mutex lock so other threads can use it.
RUAPI ruMutex ruMutexFree (ruMutex m)
 Free up given ruMutex object.
RUAPI ruCount ruCounterNew (int64_t initialCount)
 Returns a new thread safe counter initialized to given value.
RUAPI int64_t ruCounterIncValue (ruCount counter, int64_t value, int32_t *code)
 Increments the counter by given value and returns the new value.
RUAPI int64_t ruCountSetValue (ruCount counter, int64_t value, int32_t *code)
 Sets the counter to given value and returns the previous value.
RUAPI ruCount ruCountFree (ruCount counter)
 Frees given counter.

Detailed Description

These functions abstract threading related aspects.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ ruCounterInc

#define ruCounterInc (   counter,
)    ruCounterIncValue(counter, value, NULL)

Calls ruCounterIncValue without the code parameter

◆ ruCounterRead

#define ruCounterRead (   counter)    ruCounterIncValue(counter, 0, NULL)

Calls ruCounterIncValue with 0 to simply return the current value

◆ ruCountSet

#define ruCountSet (   counter,
)    ruCountSetValue(counter, value, NULL)

Calls ruCountSetValue without the code parameter

◆ ruMutexLock

#define ruMutexLock (   m)    ruMutexLockLoc(m, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__)

◆ ruMutexTryLock

#define ruMutexTryLock (   m)    ruMutexTryLockLoc(m, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__)

◆ ruMutexUnlock

#define ruMutexUnlock (   m)    ruMutexUnlockLoc(m, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__)

Typedef Documentation

◆ ru_tid

typedef unsigned long ru_tid

Thread Id type

◆ ruCond

typedef void* ruCond

Opaque object abstracting condition signaling.

◆ ruCount

typedef void* ruCount

Thread Safe Counter

◆ ruMutex

typedef void* ruMutex

Opaque object abstracting object locking.

◆ ruStartFunc

typedef void *(* ruStartFunc) (void *context)

Signature of a thread starting function.

◆ ruThread

typedef void* ruThread

Thread Identifier

◆ ruThreadId

typedef pthread_t ruThreadId

Native thread identifier

◆ ruTrace

typedef void* ruTrace

Backtrace Element

Function Documentation

◆ ruBacktrace()

RUAPI ruList ruBacktrace ( int32_t *  code)

Returns a list of ruTrace elements ordered so that the caller is last.

code(Optional) Stores RUE_OK on success or RUE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED when backtrace was not built in.
NULL on error or a list to be freed with ruListFree.

◆ ruBacktraceInit()

RUAPI void ruBacktraceInit ( perm_chars  exePath)

Sets the path to the current executable.

exePathOptional for helping to find symbols.

◆ ruCondFree()

RUAPI ruCond ruCondFree ( ruCond  c)

Free up given ruCond object.

cThe condition variable to free.

◆ ruCondInit()

RUAPI ruCond ruCondInit ( void  )

Initialize a new ruCond condition variable.

The new condition variable or NULL in which case call ruLastError for details.

◆ ruCondSignal()

RUAPI void ruCondSignal ( ruCond  c)

Unblock a thread waiting for the given condition variable.

cThe condition variable to signal.

◆ ruCondWait()

RUAPI void ruCondWait ( ruCond  c,
ruMutex  m 

Wait on the given condition variable.

This function blocks the current thread waiting on the given condition variable, unblocks the given mutex, and relocks it again.

cThe condition variable to wait on.
mThe mutex to unblock and relock.

◆ ruCondWaitTil()

RUAPI void ruCondWaitTil ( ruCond  c,
ruMutex  m,
int32_t  msTimeout 

Wait on the given condition variable or the given timeout.

This function blocks the current thread waiting on the given condition variable, unblocks the given mutex, and relocks it again.

cThe condition variable to wait on.
mThe mutex to unblock and relock.
msTimeoutAmount of millisecond to wait or 0 for infinitely

◆ ruCounterIncValue()

RUAPI int64_t ruCounterIncValue ( ruCount  counter,
int64_t  value,
int32_t *  code 

Increments the counter by given value and returns the new value.

counterCounter in question
valuevalue to increment counter by
codeOptional where error code will be stored
The new counter value

◆ ruCounterNew()

RUAPI ruCount ruCounterNew ( int64_t  initialCount)

Returns a new thread safe counter initialized to given value.

initialCountValue to set at start
New ruCount free with ruCountFree

◆ ruCountFree()

RUAPI ruCount ruCountFree ( ruCount  counter)

Frees given counter.

counterCounter to free

◆ ruCountSetValue()

RUAPI int64_t ruCountSetValue ( ruCount  counter,
int64_t  value,
int32_t *  code 

Sets the counter to given value and returns the previous value.

counterCounter in question
valuenew value to set counter to
codeOptional where error code will be stored
The previous counter value

◆ ruMutexFree()

RUAPI ruMutex ruMutexFree ( ruMutex  m)

Free up given ruMutex object.

mThe mutex to free.

◆ ruMutexInit()

RUAPI ruMutex ruMutexInit ( void  )

Initialize a new ruMutex.

The new mutex or NULL in which case call ruLastError for details.

◆ ruMutexLockLoc()

RUAPI void ruMutexLockLoc ( ruMutex  m,
trans_chars  filePath,
trans_chars  func,
int32_t  line 

Aquire a lock for the given ruMutex blocking until it is given.

The mutex is not meant to be reentrant, and is not on Windows. Meaning a thread calling ruMutexLock recursively will deadlock on the second call.

mThe mutex to lock.
filePathsource file
funcfunction name
lineline number

◆ ruMutexTryLockLoc()

RUAPI bool ruMutexTryLockLoc ( ruMutex  m,
trans_chars  filePath,
trans_chars  func,
int32_t  line 

Tries to aquire a lock for the given ruMutex without blocking.

mThe mutex to lock.
filePathsource file
funcfunction name
lineline number
false if the mutex was locked. If true the acquired lock must be unlocked after use.

◆ ruMutexUnlockLoc()

RUAPI void ruMutexUnlockLoc ( ruMutex  m,
trans_chars  filePath,
trans_chars  func,
int32_t  line 

Return the aquired mutex lock so other threads can use it.

mThe mutex to unlock.
filePathsource file
funcfunction name
lineline number

◆ ruThreadCreate()

RUAPI ruThread ruThreadCreate ( ruStartFunc  start,
alloc_chars  name,
void *  usrCtx 

Creates a new thread

startThe start function
nameThe name of the thread must be alloced will be freed, or NULL
usrCtxThe start function's argument.
The thread identifier or NULL on failure in which case call ruLastError for details.

◆ ruThreadCreateBg()

RUAPI ruThread ruThreadCreateBg ( ruStartFunc  start,
alloc_chars  name,
void *  usrCtx 

Creates a new thread with background priority.

startThe start function
nameThe name of the thread must be alloced will be freed, or NULL
usrCtxThe start function's argument.
The thread identifier or NULL on failure in which case call ruLastError for details.

◆ ruThreadFinished()

RUAPI bool ruThreadFinished ( ruThread  tid,
int32_t *  code 

Whether thraed has finished and is joinable.

tidThread id of thread to join.
codeOptional where error code will be stored
true if joinable

◆ ruThreadGetId()

RUAPI ru_tid ruThreadGetId ( void  )

Returns the id of the running thread

thread id

◆ ruThreadGetName()

RUAPI perm_chars ruThreadGetName ( void  )

Returns the current thread name or NULL

Must not be freed.

◆ ruThreadJoin()

RUAPI int ruThreadJoin ( ruThread  tid,
void **  exitVal 

Waits for given thread to terminate

tidThread id of thread to join.
exitValWhere the threads return value will be store if not NULL.
0 on success

◆ ruThreadKill()

RUAPI int32_t ruThreadKill ( ruThread  tid)

Sends a kill signal to the specified thread.

Currently not supported on Android
No longer supported on Windows due to it's dysfunctionality.
See also

Threads that were not killed due to RUE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED will clean up after themselves should they arrive at their end point.

tidThread id to send kill signal to
RUE_OK if the given thread id was valid RUE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED if thread termination is not implemented

◆ ruThreadNativeId()

RUAPI ruThreadId ruThreadNativeId ( ruThread  tid,
int32_t *  code 

Returns the thread id of the given ruThread.

tidruThread to return the native id of.
codeOptional where error code will be stored
The native ruThread id o r 0 on error.

◆ ruThreadSetName()

RUAPI void ruThreadSetName ( trans_chars  name)

Sets or clear name of the running thread

nameNew name to set or NULL to clear/free the exisiting name.

◆ ruThreadWait()

RUAPI bool ruThreadWait ( ruThread  tid,
sec_t  tosecs,
void **  exitVal 

Waits for given thread to terminate for tosecs seconds and kills it after that

Killing is currently not supported on Android.
Killing is no longer supported on Windows due to it's dysfunctionality.
See also
tidThread id of thread to join.
tosecsNumber of seconds to wait before killing the thread.
exitValWhere the threads return value will be store if not NULL and thread wasn't killed.
false if thread timed out

◆ ruTraceAddr()

RUAPI perm_ptr ruTraceAddr ( ruTrace  rt)

Returns the instruction pointer of the given ruTrace object.

rtruTrace object in question.
The instruction pointer.

◆ ruTraceFileName()

RUAPI perm_chars ruTraceFileName ( ruTrace  rt)

Returns the basename of the filename of the given ruTrace object if set.

rtruTrace object in question.
The string belongs to the given ruTrace object and must not be freed.

◆ ruTraceFilePath()

RUAPI perm_chars ruTraceFilePath ( ruTrace  rt)

Returns the full path to the filename of the given ruTrace object if set.

rtruTrace object in question.
The string belongs to the given ruTrace object and must not be freed.

◆ ruTraceFunc()

RUAPI perm_chars ruTraceFunc ( ruTrace  rt)

Returns the function name of the given ruTrace object if set.

rtruTrace object in question.
The string belongs to the given ruTrace object and must not be freed.

◆ ruTraceLine()

RUAPI uint32_t ruTraceLine ( ruTrace  rt)

Returns the line number of the given ruTrace object if set.

rtruTrace object in question.
Yields 0 if not set.

◆ ruTraceLog()

RUAPI void ruTraceLog ( trans_chars  tag,
int32_t  skip 

Logs a backtrace.

tagContent to log in front of the trace values.
skipNumber of frames to skip usually 2 to skip ruTraceLog and ruBacktrace.

◆ ruTraceOffset()

RUAPI perm_ptr ruTraceOffset ( ruTrace  rt)

Returns the offset from the given function of the given ruTrace object if set.

rtruTrace object in question.
The offset location.

◆ ruTraceStr()

RUAPI perm_chars ruTraceStr ( ruTrace  rt)

Returns an optimized string representation of the given ruTrace object.

rtruTrace object in question.
The string belongs to the given ruTrace object and must not be freed.