regify utility 2.1.0-0
No Matches

This section contains collection support for booleans such as bool. More...


RUAPI ru_uint ruBoolHash (trans_ptr key)
 Returns a hash for given boolean number.
RUAPI bool ruBoolMatch (trans_ptr testKey, trans_ptr existingKey)
 Convenience boolean match function for Maps.
RUAPI int32_t ruBoolComp (trans_ptr testVal, trans_ptr existingVal)
 boolean comparator function for the ruType system
RUAPI ptr ruBoolRefPtr (ptr in)
 Returns the content of the given boolean address as pointer.
RUAPI int32_t ruRefPtrBool (ptr src, ptr *dst)
 Copies the boolean stored in src to dst.
RUAPI ruType ruTypeBool (void)
 Returns an ruType used for booleans.

Detailed Description

This section contains collection support for booleans such as bool.

Function Documentation

◆ ruBoolComp()

RUAPI int32_t ruBoolComp ( trans_ptr  testVal,
trans_ptr  existingVal 

boolean comparator function for the ruType system

testValValue to compare against existing value.
existingValThe existing value to compare testVal to.
-1 if testVal is less existingVal, 1 if testVal is greater existingVal or 0 in case both of them are equal.

◆ ruBoolHash()

RUAPI ru_uint ruBoolHash ( trans_ptr  key)

Returns a hash for given boolean number.

This is nonsense for a map but is here since types are used as values as well.

keyboolean to hash
The hash of the given boolean i.e 1 or 0.

◆ ruBoolMatch()

RUAPI bool ruBoolMatch ( trans_ptr  testKey,
trans_ptr  existingKey 

Convenience boolean match function for Maps.

testKeyFirst comparison bool.
existingKeySecond comparison bool.
true if they are equal

◆ ruBoolRefPtr()

RUAPI ptr ruBoolRefPtr ( ptr  in)

Returns the content of the given boolean address as pointer.

inaddress to a boolean
content of given address in pointer sized field

◆ ruRefPtrBool()

RUAPI int32_t ruRefPtrBool ( ptr  src,
ptr dst 

Copies the boolean stored in src to dst.

srcWhere the boolean is stored, usually in the collection.
dstWhere the value will be copied to properly type casted.
RUE_OK unless dst is not set.

◆ ruTypeBool()

RUAPI ruType ruTypeBool ( void  )

Returns an ruType used for booleans.

boolean type specification. Caller need not free.